
Thyme wax plates application (Wachswerk)

Regulation of body heat, respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis, especially in the case of heavy secretion and mucus in the airways

From what age:
From the 4th week of life


  • One sheet of thyme wax 
  • Wool
  • Heat source

Care of the equipment

  • Wax sheets are for single use
  • The wool can be reused
  • Disinfection 

*A cherry stone cushion, bed bottle or hairdryer can be used as a heat source


  • Thyme wax sheets are heated with a hairdryer or in a crackling bag with a cherry stone cushion or bed bottle
  • Thyme wax plates are placed on the child's chest
  • Then place a piece of wool over the wax plate. The piece of wool should be larger than the wax plate
  • This can be fastened with a bodysuit or undershirt

The wrap is applied for at least 30 minutes, but can also be applied overnight

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Chest compress with low-fat quark

Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, especially with heavy secretions and mucus in the airways

From what age:
From the 6th month of life


  • Low-fat quark
  • Household paper
  • Substance cloth (absorbent cotton cloth)
  • Protective cloth (terry towel)
  • Hot water bottle or cherry stone cushion
  • Ceiling
  • Substance cloth (absorbent cotton cloth)
  • Protective cloth (terry towel)


  • Warm the quark to room temperature
  • 2-3 household paper towels, joined together in a length that reaches around the child's chest
  • Fold household paper lengthwise two to three times
  • Spread the quark thinly with a spoon on kitchen paper up to 1 cm from the edge
  • Wrap the household paper coated with quark around the child's chest, starting from the back
  • Then cover with a cotton cloth
  • Wrap child in prepared terry towel and wrap with blanket and hot water bottle
  • Best used before sleep, for at least 30 minutes
  • Rest for 15-30 minutes

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Belly wrap

Chamomile compress

Indication: Abdominal pain


  • Chamomile tea
  • Warm water
  • Substance cloth (absorbent cotton cloth)
  • Protective cloth (terry towel)
  • Outer cloth
  • Plastic gloves
  • Bowl


  • Prepare chamomile tea and steep for 10 min.
  • Pour the substance over the tea and wring it out with thick plastic gloves until it stops dripping
  • Once the cloth is no longer too hot, this can be placed on the abdomen and wrapped warm (with hot water bottle)
  • Then put a protective cloth and blanket over it
  • Apply 2x/day
  • Keep a good night's sleep

Oxalis wrap

Indication: Abdominal pain, flatulence


  • Oxalis essence
  • Substance cloth (absorbent cotton cloth)
  • Protective cloth (terry towel)
  • Outer cloth
  • 250 ml water with 40° warm water
  • Bowl


  • Add water and 1 tablespoon of essence to the bowl
  • Dip substance cloth into the bowl and wring out
  • Place on belly
  • Then put a protective cloth and blanket over it
  • Wrap may be applied up to 30 minutes. If the wrap becomes cool before, remove it immediately
  • Keep a good night's rest

Note: Empty bladder before use

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Fever wrap

Lemon calf wrap or vinegar wrap

Indication: Fever (to reduce fever, only for warm legs/arms when fever stops rising).


  • Water
  • Organic lemon or vinegar (2 tbsp.)
  • Gauze or cloths


  • Fill a bowl with tempered water (each 2-3° C below the current fever temperature).
  • Add one to two organic lemon halves
  • Score the peel with a knife (release essential oils).
  • Subsequently, cut and mash the lemons in the water
  • Soak gauze diapers or similar cloths with it, wring out well until it stops dripping
  • Wrap calves and wrap in blanket towels
  • Observe child
  • As soon as the wraps become warm they can be changed
  • One treatment includes a run of 3×10-15min changing pad
  • Repeat as needed

Note: Do not use on cold feet

Arnica pulse wrap

Indication: fever (fresh, rising, chills, child shivering)


  • Water
  • Arnica Essence (20%)
  • Pulse cloths gauze


  • Mix about ¼ liter of hot water with 1 tsp arnica essence
  • Pulse cloths soak gauze in it, wring out well until it stops dripping
  • Put gauze on the pulse points as warm as possible
  • Then wrap warm
  • Repeat at will; observe child and wrap up warmly

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Onion wrap

Indication: Earache


  • 1 onion
  • 1 meter tube gaze hose (in the set)
  • 2 raw wool pillows (in the set)
  • 1 headband (in the set)


  • Chop the onion into small pieces.
  • Then fill the onion into an approx. 15 cm long Tubegazi tube.
  • Tie the tube on both sides and crush the chopped onion to release the essential oils.
  • Warm the tubegaze to body temperature (e.g. place it on a bed bottle).
  • Insert one end of the tubegaze into the au- ricle and wrap the rest around the entire auricle from above.
  • Cover the ears with the raw wool pillows and fasten with the headband. Keep warm.
  • The wrap can be worn like this once a day for two hours.
  • Wash the skin with warm water afterwards.

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Lemon neck wrap

Indication: Throat and swallowing problems, tonsillitis


  • 1 organic lemon
  • Organic cotton gauze compartment (in the set)
  • Colorful/patterned raw cotton com- partment (in the set)


  • Cut the organic lemon into slices.
  • Place the slices side by side in the organic cotton gauze tray.
  • Using your hands or the bottom of a glass, squeeze the lemon a bit to release the juice and essential oils.
  • Place the wrap around the neck (avoiding the spine) and tie the ribbons at the back of the neck.
  • As soon as the wrap begins to get warm, it should be removed.
  • This wrap can be repeated regularly.

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Burn injury

What to do in case of burns and scalds?

Cool the affected areas of skin under running tap water (lukewarm approx. 20° C) for approx. 10 minutes. It relieves the pain and prevents the burn from going deeper into the skin. Not cool with ice! This leads later to stronger blood circulation and more pain, or even cold damage.

If hot liquid has gotten onto clothing, the shower head should be held between clothing and skin until the scalded skin has cooled down. Only then remove the clothing. Scalded clothing should not be removed. Immediately remove the child's soaked clothing, including the diaper. Wet, non-fluffy cloths can be placed on burns. Then cover the affected parts of the body with sterile bandages or clean cloths. 

Immediately disconnect the circuit in the event of a power violation.

Give painkillers! 

Attention. Do not prick burn blisters. Do not apply flour, powder, oil, creams, ointments or butter. This promotes afterburning and wound infections.

When to go to the hospital or call the emergency doctor? 
With infants and young children in any case, otherwise for larger wounds. If the face, neck, hands, genitals and the flexor folds of the joints are affected, your child must necessarily go to the hospital.

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The causes of ear pain can be varied and do not always have to involve the ear itself.

Children are more often affected by ear pain from an ear infection than adults. This has to do with the anatomical conditions of the ear and throat. Pain can be felt in the ears due to inflammation of these regions. The therapy options against the pain also start there.


All measures for free nasal breathing help against fluid and secretion accumulation in the middle ear, because this also allows the middle ear to be well ventilated and thus the pressure and pain are relieved. 

  • Physiological salt water nasal rinses
  • Decongestant nasal drops or sprays
  • Sliced raw onions in a bag of onions
  • Onion wrap for the ear
  • Complementary remedies on the advice of your family doctor
  • Keep the ears warm and dry
  • Gargle, if possible (e.g. with sage tea).

Report to docter if:

  • Persistent pain over one day
  • More severe limitation in general condition
  • In case of additional fever
  • When fluid leaks from the ear

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(stenosing laryngotracheitis)

What is the pseudocroup? 

Pseudocroup is a classic viral upper respiratory tract infection. It can spread to the larynx and cause typical hoarseness, barking cough and/or a typical harsh breathing sound when inhaling due to swelling of the mucous membrane. Pseudocroup occurs mainly in infants and young children.

What are the symptoms?

  • Fever
  • Dry, barking cough (similar to the barking of a dog or the sound of a seal)
  • Hoarseness
  • Rough breathing sound when inhaling 
  • signs of respiratory distress: strained or accelerated breathing; retractions of the skin above the sternum, between the ribs

The symptoms often occur at night and are often milder during the day. Sometimes the symptoms last for several nights.

What measures can I take at home to help my child?

  • Rest for child and parents (severe agitation may worsen symptoms).
  • Wrap the child up warmly and take him out into the fresh and cool air (often the symptoms disappear as a result).
  • Inhale steam: go into the smallest bathroom and run the shower spray hot, with the shower curtain closed inhale the resulting water vapor
  • Lower high fever
  • Slight elevation of the upper body (facilitates breathing), e.g. with the help of books or folders under the pillow
  • Give (mildly cooled) water to drink
  • Sleep with (partially) open window
  • Increase humidity in the bedroom: Hang wet laundry or set up a humidifier.
  • Complementary remedies on the advice of your family doctor
  • If shortness of breath persists despite the above measures, cortisone (e.g. Betnesol) can be given once to reduce swelling if this has been previously prescribed by the physician and the appropriate dose is known.

When and how soon should I go to the doctor?

  • If the child has shortness of breath and/or a harsh breathing sound when inhaling and the complaints do not improve sufficiently despite the above measures: direct medical presentation recommended (at night, if necessary, to the hospital).
  • If the symptoms improve sufficiently with the above measures and the general condition permits, it is possible to wait until the next morning (call your pediatrician to discuss the further procedure)
  • If your child has not been vaccinated according to the CH standard and, in addition to a high fever, there is pronounced salivation, we recommend that you see a doctor immediately.

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In many cases, children develop a fever when their immune system is dealing with an infection. It is a sign that your child has to deal with something (still unknown). That is why fever is important and useful, because it supports the maturation of the immune system in the long term. Under certain circumstances (see below), fever should also be allowed. Children grow from it.

Take the temperature in your child's bottom during the first twelve months of life. From then on, ear thermometers are also possible. 

A measurement above 38°C in the first three months or above 38.5°C from the fourth month of life is considered a fever. 


  • Give enough to drink
  • Bed rest
  • Offer gentle food (low fat). But it is not a problem if your child has no appetite
  • Antipyretic agents can be used from a temperature of 39°C onwards
  • Non-drug measures (e.g., calf compresses) can also be very helpful and reduce fever (See Health wrap)
  • Give a lot of attention
  • Regularly ventilate the room briefly
  • School/kindergarten/daycare may be attended again when the child has been fever-free for at least 24 hours and is fit enough to participate

Report to docter if:

  • Infants under three months of age with a fever of 38°C or more.
  • Shortness of breath with too fast or strained breathing
  • If the child has a headache with sensitivity to light, sensitivity to touch, or stiff neck
  • If the child is listless and apathetic, even if the fever has dropped
  • If fever persists for more than 2 days, even if no other accompanying symptoms are present

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